Honduras Missions Archive

Honduras Missions The Ritchie Family missionaries to Choluteca Honduras....

Monday, March 19, 2007

Roller Coaster Ride of Missions

The roller coaster ride of mission work. The thing about roller coasters is the rider controls nothing except sometimes the appearance of hanging on. As with working for the LORD, once committed your no longer in control. This week is a perfect example, Monday, we are getting the children off to school, at 6:30am we get a call from Ihnfa. The judge is investigating a complaint we are not schooling the children, and is sending court employees to the school to investigate. ??? The red flag goes up and it becomes obvious he is making decisions not knowing all the facts. Lisa and I go to the Judges chambers to see if we can visit him when he comes in at 8am. He allows us all the time we need and it is a very productive talk for both of us. His investigation (which he did not authorize… another issue) works to our benefit. Plus he learns things about the children that no one has shared with him to this point. He suggested we need to talk to the mayor about one of the situations. At the conclusion his comment was “There is no place better or safer for the children than with you.” Amen...on to a smooth stretch...maybe.

We left and went to meet with the mayor. He was also gracious and allowed us all the time we needed, but seemed to know we would come to see him. We discussed the medical donation paperwork, the dangerous situation of city employee's threats with gun, even garbage service(Which he fixed in 2 hours). After he said, "I also hear your looking for property to build a church on". Another red flag goes up (How does he know?) He then confides the first property we looked at a few months ago for $12,000 was the best option if we could afford it soon. Reason? He has approved and was including that street in a city beautification project next year and the price would double if we did not buy it soon. New fancy street, new fancy lights and brick arches over the street on the block just like around the old historic Catholic church. Perfect for a church project all free from the city…As if the need was not enough... Now I am in a quandary.

Some money for a vehicle has been donated for just that, a vehicle, which, like property, is desperately needed. We have not yet found a vehicle in this price yet. So a fleeting thought on the rollercoaster...Use the vehicle funds for property. But if we asked all donors and used it for other than the reason it was donated for, I feel we would betray a trust of all the hard work and sacrifice of those involved. I know all would say yes, but I could not ask again for funds for a vehicle....So we trust in the LORD. Now the other curve on the rollercoaster, the other side is our church folks. If we buy a vehicle during this exact time it will look improper unless a place to meet is secured… Again all would agree..all things are lawful but not convienent on this rollercoaster.

As for church services this week. In a word…Wonderful. Wend. night Suyapa’s mom trusted Christ Jesus as Saviour. Our Karen (6) even joined in and we are working with her. Sunday I had Aldofo preach…I was nervous about it, but he did great! He was saved when Dr Waller was here. His message was on faith baptism and the need for a strong church in our area…. perfect.

Just Beautiful… Thank You LORD!

Planing a River Baptism service in April for many are wanting.

After church Lisa put out clothes, gathered and left over from buying used clothes bundles for our children (we must buy in bulk now)…100lbs of clothes disappeared in 3minutes.

One other strange event: A pastor from a Florida church came and visited for 5 minutes then left for other business. He had promised to support us, but told me on the day I left to the field of Honduras he was not going to. The visit was nice and sweet but confusing to say the least, a long way to go unannounced and for a handshake and hug.

LORD, We want to do all you will allow….until we are spent….

In the rollercoaster ride of missions…only looking like I am hanging on.

Unworthy Servant to a Wonderful Saviour