Honduras Missions Archive

Honduras Missions The Ritchie Family missionaries to Choluteca Honduras....

Friday, December 08, 2006

Church Discipline...speaking truth in love.

Another week has passed, and the trials faced are nothing compared to the Glory for Christ. Wednesday the Lord changed the message from soul winning to child discipline. Actually it was a little of both with Isaiah 53 mixed in.. Discipline was at issue because of a comment made to our children by some in the neighborhood. (In short… Parents who discipline don’t love their children) We had dealt with it in the home, but now needed speak on it in the church. It just so happened the little girl who made that statement came to church.
(And as any of my Jr Church kids of the past know, if you act up in my class, YOU become the object lesson.)
She can be a sweet little girl when she wants something, but a brat when you do not give it to her. She is already dressing and acting in ways to attract boys and she is only 11. She came forward during church when asked to and admitted saying these things. Then she was told in front of everyone, "I needed to tell you the truth about some things because I care and love you and so does Jesus. I explained to her and the congregation how she was on the same road I have seen so many others on, she would likely be with child before age 16 and have a tumultuous, short life and ultimately end up in hell if something did not happen. Even her aunt was nodding in agreement.
The teachers we have in our congregation made a comment that ever since Honduras gave special “rights” to children their classes have become uncontrollable. At the end it was said, if anyone has discipline issues and needs help let Lisa or myself are available to teach you the Biblical way.

One mom rushed out only to return as the last people were leaving with her teenage son Marcelle in tow… “He has no father and I need help with discipline!” We talked for more than an hour with him about various things, he admitted he had the wrong kind of friends, he was a liar, adulterer, and thief and when he died he new his fate.… The fear of the LORD is the beginning; Later, he bowed and asked Christ to save him. Amen!
Friday we have been invited to visit with another family.

Also this week in our home there was a incident with an older child whispering bad words to a younger and having them say them, then the older one lied about it. When confronted she broke out in tears of regret, she knew discipline was coming. After much teaching she realized it was a form of molesting her sister mentally with words, not so different than she had been physically. I asked what would be the appropriate measure for discipline. Now with tears of repentance rolling down her face, she said twice as much because she lied and made it worse. The Holy Spirit prompted this is the appropriate time to now teach mercy, then we prayed….When you correct your heart, I do not have to….Correct, Godly discipline, afterwards yields: hugs, I love you’s, and yes even smiles.

Heb 12:11 Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby.

Our little “park” is now functional. Barry Jr and I welded a swing set together with pipe bought locally and added sand to the only area of our house available. For our own sanity we really needed a place to send the children to play. It will also work for Lisa’s SS class as well. The LORD works in wondrous ways. About 2 years ago, while traveling to churches, I was in a Home Depot and they had a few playground items in a clearance box so I bought them not knowing why…I do now. To add to that, Lisa found a couple of real Tonka trucks and sand toys in the open market here, where we live there is no concept of a walmart or toy r us, so something durable like a Tonka is a rarity… Amen
Unworthy servant to a Wonderful Worthy Saviour,
Barry Ritchie