Honduras Missions Archive

Honduras Missions The Ritchie Family missionaries to Choluteca Honduras....

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Work & Play

Wonderful times in the Name of our LORD Jesus. Last weeks service was a time of refreshing. The LORD prompted to open the service with a 5 minute question and answer time. Nothing was off limits. I asked about beginning a 2nd week day of church, and all present shared the same desire. Then their questions began, simple at first. Example- Why did Jesus say he did not come to bring peace? But then the questions turned more personal, each person publicly sharing trials and quandaries. Some members have aids, others less notable diseases; some have children in jail, another asking how and with whom they should begin a relationship after the death of a spouse. Each yearning to know why and what would please God. It was nice to see them corrected and comforted by God’s Word. It ended up taking up the whole service but drew the church closer. The first Wednesday service should be one of prayer, this seems appropriate. The problem is where to meet. The tent is a lot of work to put up and down and cannot be put away wet. (It rains every evening doubling the work). If it is left up at night it will be stolen. The tent stakes were stolen again this week but a lady in the church found them and made the man give them back. She weighs only 90 lbs. Our rented house is not large enough but the area where we park might be if everyone does not come. Barry Jr and I, are trying to roof it all in with lightweight tin as we are able and the church agreed to try it for a while to meet in on Wednesdays. It would be nice to purchase the rented land and build, but that seems so distant and the need is now.

Jeny’s 11th birthday is Thursday. Lisa is making her a beautiful princess dress and wants the day to be special for her. We have been working with Jeny and she rarely calls herself ugly anymore. Sasha learned that Jeny’s mom studied with Mormons and got the idea dark skin is from a curse and bad. Now I at least understand where/how this lie was started and how it tainted a little girl’s view of herself. Sin never affects just one person…. Lisa purchased all of the Honduras School books and is home schooling Jeny for now trying to get her caught up a little. Her grade level is way behind due to her rocky life history. She worked diligently much of the day Tuesday on math and we finally let her out to play with church kids in the vacant lot where the church meets. Barry Jr taught them a little about American football…ok ok it was more like chase & tag the person with the football, but smiles were dealt out liberally.
Unworthy Servant to a Worthy Saviour
Barry Ritchie