Honduras Missions Archive

Honduras Missions The Ritchie Family missionaries to Choluteca Honduras....

Sunday, January 22, 2006

More Glory For Christ Jesus!

What a wonderful night Saturday was. We were asked by Pastor Candido (Carlo’s Pastor) to play the same movie as we did a few weeks ago up in the mountains. But this time play it in a poor Barrio (neighborhood). We again drove around with the mobile pulpit inviting folks to watch a free movie. More than 140 people showed up. We played good music, sang hymns and had to put out a tarp for the kids to sit on so the adults had enough seating. Alba and her Brother Tonio even showed up, quite the walk for an 11 and 8 yr old through some very rough areas. Alba walked up beside me and gave me a tight hug that lasted 15 minutes into the movie. She did want to let go and neither did I. Their actions said much more then the words and rumors of late. Both of them had cleaned up and wore there best clothes. Tonio climbed on Lisa’s lap and settled in for an 80 minute film about Jesus called La Esperanza(The Hope). About ½ way through the film we began to feel a few raindrops. Several of the men began to pray and about 10 minutes later the stars were shining. The very evangelistic movie was followed up with preaching and we saw 4 adults gloriously saved. We offered to give a ride to the people that walked a great distance from the Barrio I preached in the night before. We should have asked how many before offering a ride. The borrowed Isuzu p/u had 20-30 adults on it and could hardly make through the rough roads back. The bumper scrapped the ground on every pothole and turn. After packing up for the night the men prayed again just to give thanks. The men have asked me to teach a leadership conference in Feb. The fields are white unto harvest and I am thankful the LORD Jesus allows this migrant worker to work His fields.
Barry Ritchie